Role of React Native In Business Development

What is React Native?

React Native (RN) is an open-source framework that helps to develop mobile applications using reusable components. Similarly, React Native produces applications using JavaScript. After, creating the React Native codes, the developer can use the code both on Android and iOS. Thus, it provides a massive transformation of code within less time.

Facebook built React Native for an internal project named Hackathon in 2013. In addition to that, React Native was made open and accessible on GitHub by Facebook in March 2015.

Role of React Native In Business Development

React Native is firmly chosen by hundreds of businesses globally, including Uber, Microsoft, and Facebook, and is accepted across various industries. Since then React Native helps in business development and scalability.

Let’s check how React Native helps for business development.

Cross-platform Practice
The most crucial feature of React Native is cross-platform. In React Native, the developer can build a single code that is compatible with different platforms. Therefore, the developer can run the code on various platforms like Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, etc.

Community Support
React Native is one of the popular technologies in the programming world. In addition to that, RN contains a vast developers community. As a result, this community helps to find the solutions to our questions and queries.

Low Cost
In React native, the production cost is low. Therefore, the company can reuse codes for the same feature of different platforms. Moreover, RN code contains a reusability feature, which helps to reduce the cost.

The cross-platform feature in RN helps to reuse the same code for different platforms. Therefore, the developers require less time for the development of the application on other platforms.

Various React Native Components

While you’re building an application using RN you can make use of the built-in Core Components. It provides different types of built-in components. Henceforth, it helps react development company for the easy development of the application.

Let’s have a look at the different categories of React Native components:

Basic Components
User Interface
List Views

Basic Components

View – It is the essential building block of web applications.

Text – It helps to display the text. Besides that, the Text component contains nesting, styling, and touch handling.

Image – This is a React component for showing multiple pictures, such as network images and static resources.

TextInput – TextInput is an essential component that helps insert the text into the application using the keyboard. It also provides auto-correction, auto-capitalization, placeholder text, and different keyboard types, such as a numeric keypad.

ScrollView – This component encapsulates the platform ScrollView and integrates it with the touch locking “responder” mechanism.

StyleSheet – A StyleSheet is a type of abstraction that is comparable to CSS StyleSheets.
User Interface Components

Button – A simple button component that should look well on any platform. Moreover, it should provide customizable features. Therefore, if any of the buttons don’t suit the app button, the customizable option should be available.

Switch – It helps to create boolean input.

FlatList – A quick and easy way to show essential information. In addition, It supports different features such as fully cross-platform, header support, footer support, etc.

SectionList – Section list includes different features like section header support, section separator support, heterogeneous data and item rendering support, etc.

Android Components and APIs

BackHandler – The Backhandler API recognizes back navigation hardware button pushes. After all, it is available only on Android.

DrawerLayoutAndroid – DrawerLayout is a component that covers the platform. Moreover, this is component of RN is available to Android users only.

PermissionsAndroid – It gives you access to the new permissions paradigm in Android M.

ToastAndroid – The ToastAndroid API for RN exposes the ToastAndroid module of the Android platform as a JS module.

iOS Components and APIs

ActionSheetIOS – Displays the iOS Action Sheet component natively.

ActivityIndicator – Displays a loading circle.

Alert – This command opens an alert dialogue with the provided title and message.

Animated – The Animated library is intended to simplify the creation and maintenance of animations smooth, powerful, and painless.

Dimensions – Dimension is the most used API for React components.

KeyboardAvoidingView – It is a component that addresses the common issue of views that need to be moved out of the way of the virtual keyboard. Moreover, it may automatically alter its height, location, or bottom padding depending on the height of the keyboard.

Linking – Linking provides a centralized interface for interacting with both incoming and outgoing app connections.

Modal – A fundamental approach to show material above an enclosing view is to use the Modal component.

PixelRatio – PixelRatio allows you to see the pixel density and font scale of your device.
RefreshControl – It is used within a ScrollView or ListView to offer pull to refresh capabilities.

StatusBar – It controls the app’s status bar with this component. Multiple StatusBar components can be installed at the same time. The properties will be combined in the order in which the StatusBar components were installed.

Ecosystem of ReactJS

ReactJS is helpful not only in building extensive and swift applications but also in testing the products easily.


ECMAScript 6 is the next generation JavaScript and takes the language to the next level. It has helped Reactjs developers to utilize Object Oriented Programming by adding support for classes and class extensions.


Babel used to revamp the code which has been developed using ES6 to plain JavaScript. It propounds all the syntax that was combined to JavaScript with ES6 stipulation, multiline strings, including classes, and fat arrows.


Redux is a FLUX pattern that gives a simplex data flow and acts as a JavaScript container for the data. You can utilize Redux jointly with React or with any different view library.


Webpack is a module bundler used to clump the modules together much like the gulp and grunt workflow automation techniques. A bundle appends CSS styles, JavaScript, HTML, and almost any form of a file.

Webpack dev server

Webpack dev server is a node.js Express server to serve the bundle. it can be used to hastily establish an application. WDS build and deliver the files from the memory.

ReactJS Social Networking Solution

Hybrid application development combines the advantages of both native and web apps that work well.


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