Companies are increasingly open to remote working or telecommuting. This option was traditionally used to outsource services or offload a portion of the work to outside professionals. Its implications are much more complex today.
Remote work is no longer a source of emergency or work overload. It has become an everyday practice. Remote work gives workers more responsibility and allows companies to be more flexible and dynamic. Teleworking has its drawbacks, which cannot be overlooked.
What is telecommuting?
Remote work, or teleworking, is defined as working remotely or outside of company facilities.
The worker communicates regularly with the department or company responsible. They are able to arrange their time however they want, while adhering to a schedule.
What is the origins of Remote work?
While historians aren’t unanimous on this, the putting-out method was one of the first examples of working from home. It was a system that had some success in Western Europe during the mid-modern period. Workers could work remotely from their homes by being allowed to be employed in workshops. This was especially true for the textile industry.
Teleworking was first introduced in the 1970s. Jack Nilles, an American physicist, is often credited with the idea of teleworking. This was to help save energy during the oil crisis. Although the experiment was not a huge success, it did open the way to a new labor model that had been neglected since the 19th Century. XIX.
The late 1990s and early 2000s were a time of rapid technological change. New technologies made it possible to work remotely via the Internet. Different studies also began to recognise the competitive advantages companies who work remotely could gain.
What is the 7 benefits/advantages of the Remote Work?
Teleworking has many benefits, and they can vary depending on the industry or business model of the company. However, these are the main benefits for the company as well as the workers.
Productivity improvement
Workers may be more efficient if they work from home in conjunction with a new workforce policy. Employees can also organize their time better to maximize concentration. This results in a higher productivity per hour.
Reduced absent at work and more commitment
The increased time freedom has significantly reduced the amount of work hours lost. Employees are able to attend to other obligations while they work, instead of being confined to their desks.
Contrary to popular belief, most employees who have the opportunity to work from home jobs are very disciplined and will be more committed to the company’s projects.
Equipment investment is less
The company can decrease its equipment investment if it manages to convince at least half of its workforce to accept the Teleworking Formula. Teleworking rotation is an option to make sure that workers can work from home. This will require less space in the company’s facilities. The maintenance outlay is also lower, which helps to reduce operating costs.
Improved family reconciliation
This is a major advantage for employees, and it responds to one the most pressing demands of professionals today. It is no longer difficult to balance work and family life because the company schedules are not flexible enough. The worker decides when and where he will fulfill his obligations. It may be overshadowed by the cliched cinematographic scenes in which a father is always late to his son’s game due to work.
More motivation and satisfaction
The employee’s motivation is reinforced by aspects previously mentioned, such as greater family conciliation and time freedom. You are free to schedule your time however you like, as long as you achieve the desired objectives. The best part is that he can achieve them in a shorter time span than he works at the office. He also enjoys a higher level of satisfaction with the contractual terms and a better assessment of the company.
Corporate responsibility promoted
Teleworking is not suitable for employees who don’t know how to manage their own time, as we have already stated. This work model encourages corporate responsibility, as workers are expected to make a contribution that will benefit both the company and them. Employees will continue to benefit from the benefits of working remotely as long as they are able to produce good results.
The most attractive model for the top professionals
Some professionals prefer to work exclusively via teleworking and are not interested in being part of a company’s permanent staff. It may be the only way to attract the best talent and not have to pay excessively high salaries.
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Work From Home Jobs have its disadvantages
Working remotely can have its downsides, especially if you don’t do it properly.
Implementing organizational changes is difficult
Telecommuting can prove to be ineffective if managers aren’t able to trust their employees to complete their tasks at home, or if they don’t communicate with the company regularly, then telecommuting could be disastrous. Not all companies are able to make these organizational changes.
Teamwork is difficult
While group work is easier when everyone is physically present at the office, it can become more difficult if they live in different places. Although this would violate the spirit of remote working, it is possible to organize regular team meetings in the company’s facilities.
Dilution of responsibilities
While personal discipline is key to success or failure in telecommuting, it does not mean that managers should stop supervising their employees. Only the way they exercise them has changed.
Remote work can be detrimental to the company’s competitiveness if the supervisory duties are not able to adapt quickly.
Communications security
Companies are increasingly concerned about cybersecurity, no matter if their employees work from home or on premises.
The second scenario involves more intense and frequent internal communications via the Internet, which can include sensitive data and documents. Therefore, computers and networks at home should be protected.
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Sectors that are most benefited by working from home
Remote work presents challenges, but also offers significant opportunities for companies. Can any productive sector place a bet on teleworking being a viable option? Yes, in principle. However, remote work is compatible with certain sectors better than others. Many government job agencies also start to give work from home opportunities.
Technology-based businesses are by nature the most open to working remotely. It is easier to transfer these tasks to your home because a large portion of daily activities are completed using conventional computer equipment. This is a path that giants like Microsoft and IBM have explored for many years.