5 Best Ways to Increase Website Traffic and Conversions

5 Best Ways to Increase Website Traffic and Conversions
5 Best Ways to Increase Website Traffic and Conversions

Apart from blogs There are other tools for digital marketing, including emails, social networks landing pages and paid search marketing and SEO. Do you think that blogging is worth the investment time, effort, and energy? It definitely is.

Being an Shopify eCommerce Development Company and SEO specialist We are aware that blogging will continue to be an effective marketing tool that can establish your company as a thought-leader. It aids in building an image, and provides the information on products and improves visibility. It also helps establish an interaction with its intended readers. The majority of blog posts that convert contain SEO keywords. They’re a great way to generate organic, free traffic and increase conversions.

With 7.5 million blogs being published each day, how can you increase the number of people who are interested for your website? In the coming weeks, we will share five proven methods that have worked and are simple to apply.

SEO is an important strategy to build traffic and boosting blog conversion rates. If you’re still not sure about what SEO means and the reason it’s so important to understand, let’s look at. To find out more take a look at this article for tips on how to boost website traffic and convert.

SEO’s importance

What is ingrained into every marketer’s mind is the idea that web pages and blogs should utilize the Search engine Optimization (SEO). Optimizing your website’s content for people and search engines seems easy at first glance. Simply adding a couple of keywords that people will are using to find your products can be a starting point but it’s far from simple. Keywords and meta descriptions, pictures and titles all play a role in optimizing a website.

What is the reason SEO crucial? It assists more people in finding and share your blog. SEO is the main reason 53% of traffic to websites is organically sourced.

5 Tips to Improve Blog Traffic and Conversions:

Here are five tried and tested strategies to increase blog traffic to increase engagement, as well as conversions. Make use of your analytics to evaluate every new approach you apply them with care. Some strategies might work better than others.

Strategy #1 – SEO Optimization

Google is home to more than 92 percent market share when delivers search results. There are better chances that people will find your website if it has an excellent Google search rank.

Make use of specific informational, navigational and transactional keywords to rank your blog appearing on the first Google page. To find the most popular phrases people search for using, make use of SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner or Moz Keyword Explorer.

Find the right balance with SEO that is beneficial to bots and pleasant experience for users. It is important for visitors to remain on your page for to the maximum extent possible, and to be able to get them to take the necessary take action. Only engaging, high-quality and relevant content can assist you in achieving this.

Strategy #2 – Plan Your Content Structure

The quality of the blog’s content and flow is important. It draws more clients and improves the number of visitors to your website. It takes some preparation to create articles that people would like to take the time to.

Use this short checklist to help you strategize your next blog post prior to writing:

Write for the target audience The big retailers or companies have distinct target audiences depending on their product offerings. Create your writing to match the interest of your audience. Avoid technical jargon unless it pertains to a particular audience.

Research and add credibility elements Searchers are looking for information that is new or validated in their searches. The topic can be supported with graphs, quotes, data and stats to support any assertions. Include links whenever feasible to increase the relevancy score of your keywords.

Create Content that is Deep Take a deep dive with the same topic instead of a variety of superficial topics. Google bots and individuals look to the web for relevant and in-depth content.

Utilize the proper density of Keywords are like spices added to cakes. Too much and the cake is destroyed. The ideal keyword density is between 1% and three percent. Anything more than that and Google is deemed to be spam.

Writing relevant and high-quality content boosts organic traffic.

Strategy #3 – Always add images or videos

A image is worth 999 words which is the case for Facebook posts, blogs, and many other channels. Buzzsumo states that they can get 2.3x greater engagement as adding images to Facebook posts.

Images grab the attention of viewers since the majority of them will glance at the contents, but will look at photos. Images that are of high quality will increase engagement.

Do not forget to include the video. An embedded video in an article is twice as likely to bring organic traffic. People and Google enjoy videos.

Check that each video or image has the alt tag. Alt tags (Example, alt attribute or alt descriptions) offer a different text descriptions of images that can be used by those searching for it. The use of alt tags on photos of products can positively affect the eCommerce site’s ranking in search engines.

Strategy #4 Social Media Can Reach More People at a Speedier Rate

Social media and blogging work hand-in-hand. To effectively promote a blog nine out of ten bloggers use the correct platforms for social media. The top three social media channels for marketers include Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Promoting the proper channels can provide a substantial boost to the number of people who visit your blog.

The traffic from social media is completely free. Linking a blog with an established social media site could boost the authority of the domain increasing the amount of traffic and conversions.

Strategie #5 Use a clear CTA as well as an exit strategy

After your readers have reached the end of your blog, what do would like for them to accomplish? Your post should include a simple but clearly stated call to for action. For blogs with a CTA, the CTA typically asks users to share the blog’s content by clicking on a link, or sign up.

We help increase website traffic and Conversions

We invite you to schedule a brief chat with our team for assistance in implementing or improving your coherent blog strategy. We’ll discuss ways to develop an effective strategy for content and also how to measure the crucial metrics.


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